Quality of Life – Movement is KEY

The answer is Movement Let’s talk movement – studies show roughly 30+% of the population in North America lives an inactive life. This is alarming. * The human anatomy was designed to move. Movement plays a vital role in contributing to our Physical & Psychological well-being. Given the current circumstances in our world, both mental […]
Time is our most valuable ASSET

Time is our most valuable asset & yet it’s the #1 thing wasted in our day to day life. Is our time being invested into creating our greatest asset? As an active professional in the fitness industry I hear quite often people voicing their struggles of losing weight, lack of motivation, mood swings, energy etc.. […]
Comfort Zones

Mind & Body by Temple Comfort Zones Why stepping outside your comfort zone is necessary & key to unlocking your Mind & Body’s potential. As humans we are wired to seek comfort from the moment we are born. From a young age we are programmed to stay in safe & familiar environments. Why comfort zones […]

Mind & Body by Temple Multitasking Is Multitasking effective – How many times have you heard someone say they are great multitaskers – don’t get me wrong at points we are all guilty of multitasking. Truth is: Science proves multitasking is not the most effective way to accomplish tasks. Multitasking is for producing subpar results. […]