Fitness & Nutrition

Is HUNGER getting the best of you?

It’s time to Create the Healthiest YOU!

Is HUNGER getting the best of you?

Ladies, how many times have you felt irritable & you’re not sure why? 

Does this sound like you? Take a moment & read this article.

 No one enjoys being irritable. Our mind & body send us signals when something is off or unbalanced. It’s important to listen to what our body is trying to telling us. Next time you find yourself getting bitchy, try eating. Here is why:

What if I told you; you’re not moody, you may just have low blood sugars. Being hangry is real & backed by Science. When our blood sugar drops, our body releases Epinephrine (stress hormone). Signs of this are increased stress, nervousness, anxiety & irritability. More extreme side of the scale is seizures, dizziness & difficulty sleeping.

This applies to everyone – NOT ONLY DIABETICS. 

Solution: Eat regularly throughout the day, this will help balance our Mind & Body & avoid fluctuating blood sugar levels & MOODS. Always pack snacks! Balanced, consistent nutrition creates mental & emotional stability. (paired with adequate sleep, exercise, etc). Stable blood sugar levels also play a key role in energy levels. Many individuals get hit with the afternoon exhaustion 2/3pm. Instead of increasing your caffeine, ask yourself “when was the last time I ate? Or moved my body?”

When I feel myself getting bitchy, I run through a mental check list: 

Is it time to eat?

Did I get 8 hours of sleep last night?


First step is acknowledging you are moody, second step is identify the root cause. Our happiness and ability to enjoy the moment is in the power of our hands and level of self awareness we have.

So my advice to you next time you go out, pack a snack.

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