Time is our most valuable asset & yet it’s the #1 thing wasted in our day to day life. Is our time being invested into creating our greatest asset?
As an active professional in the fitness industry I hear quite often people voicing their struggles of losing weight, lack of motivation, mood swings, energy etc.. Most do not realize you do not need to be on a strict diet and performing 45 minutes of high intensity cardio a day to “feel better.”
I want to make it as simple as possible for individuals who are taking the time to read this article to succeed. I have started by identifying 3 key variables that have proven to enhance our Quality of Life.
1.It all starts with sleep.
What does your sleep routine look like?
Everyone has been told at least once from a young age that sleep is important. Although majority of our population neglects to get an adequate amount. Research shows 7-9 hours of sleep is vital for improving overall health and well-being.
The body thrives off consistency. A consistent sleep schedule allows your body to reset and heal itself-regulating hormones, enhancing your brain, body and emotional state.
The body was created to move.
Adding 30+ minutes of elevated heart rate activity into your daily routine can enhance your overall well-being mentally & physically.
What makes exercise so important when it comes to time? To enhance quality of time one must prioritize their well-being.
By adding 30+ minutes of elevated heart rate activity into daily routine – it lowers risk of disease, increases energy (productivity), elevates mood ( neurotransmitters being released in the brain)- naturally decreasing anxiety & depression , Muscle development – securing joints minimizing risk of injury.
The benefits of exercise are endless.
1,440 minutes in a day – use 30+ of them to invest in improving your well-being.
3.Productive time management goes hand in hand with Sleep & Exercise.
Creating a to do list prioritizing most crucial tasks to least & completing said list.
Being more productive with the time we have, will allow us to accomplish more. Be in control & aware of what you invest your time in.
Time is our most valuable asset, invest it into creating the healthiest you.
Reference: The ripple effect by Dr. Greg Wells