Dieting doesn’t have to be extreme & scary.
The word “diet,” often has this negative stigma around it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard individual’s
4 Week Online Customized Nutrition Program based on your food sensitivities, goals & lifestyle.
It’s time to create a plan that works for YOU
It’s time to nourish your Mind & Body to perform at it’s best with customized nutrition plans.
Customized Nutrition Programs Edmonton
Healthy eating does not have to be boring or difficult. Mind & Body by Temple takes a personalized approach to create Customized Nutrition Plans that makes sense & aligns with your lifestyle.
Nutrition is NOT a one size fits all, set yourself up for success with a PERSONALIZED plan.
Whether it be weight loss or weight control, nutritional condition management, or building a healthy relationship with food.
Each client is given a specific strategy to help them achieve and maintain their health and fitness objectives. That’s because we believe in long-term sustainable success that will allow you to look and feel better for the rest of your life.
A healthy you starts with healthy eating.
Download our list of health alternative snacks for FREE!
Download our Instant Apple Crisp recipe for FREE!
Download our Frozen Peanut Butter Cups recipe for FREE!
Download our Blueberry Muffin recipe for FREE!
Download our list of health alternative snacks for FREE! A healthy you starts with healthy eating.
Water The Human anatomy is made up of 70% water-our Brain 75% water.
In order for our Mind & Body to function accordingly we need to prioritize proper hydration.
Advice : Start consuming 2.5 Litres of water a day
The Human anatomy was created for movement. Exercise stimulates the Mind & Body improving cognitive ability, enhancing physical capabilities + more
Advice: Add 30 minutes of movement into your day.
Meditation enhances activity in the Brain creating a flow of calmness, clarity & self awareness. Meditation allows the Mind & Body to reconnect creating room for positivity & abundance.
Advice: Download a free meditation app or use spotify for guided meditation to add into your daily routine.
Sleep The Human anatomy functions best with sufficient amount of sleep. Sleep plays a key role in our physical & emotional well-being.
Advice: Focus on your breathing to calm your mind & body to allow for relaxation to take place. Guided down regulation apps are a great support tool. Quality sleep enhances our quality of life.
Oxygen Every system in the Human anatomy relies on oxygen.
In order for our Mind & Body to function accordingly sufficient amount of oxygen is needed.
Advice: incorporate a breathing exercise into your daily routine to enhance mental clarity, sleep quality, help lower anxiety + more
The word “diet,” often has this negative stigma around it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard individual’s
Ladies, how many times have you felt irritable & you’re not sure why? Does this sound like you? Take a moment
Truth is, the scale can be deceiving. This is a sensitive topic & often we get caught up with the
Did you know Gut- health plays a vital role in our Mind & Body’s wellness. Our gut is the “second
The word “diet,” often has this negative stigma around it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard individual’s say “that’s not for me”
Ladies, how many times have you felt irritable & you’re not sure why? Does this sound like you? Take a moment & read this article.
Truth is, the scale can be deceiving. This is a sensitive topic & often we get caught up with the scale is telling us. How
Do you have any nutrition program questions? Do you want to get started? We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!
It’s time to Create the Healthiest YOU!
Please enter your name and email to download our healthy snack list.
It’s time to Create the Healthiest YOU!
Please enter your name and email to download our instant apple crisp recipe.
It’s time to Create the Healthiest YOU!
Please enter your name and email to download our frozen peanut butter cup recipe.
It’s time to Create the Healthiest YOU!
Please enter your name and email to download our blueberry muffin recipe.
Have personal training Questions? Coaching or Nutrition questions? We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!
Have personal training Questions? Coaching or Nutrition questions? We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have!