Dieting doesn’t have to be extreme & scary.
The word “diet,” often has this negative stigma around it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard individual’s say “that’s not for me”
Is HUNGER getting the best of you?
Ladies, how many times have you felt irritable & you’re not sure why? Does this sound like you? Take a moment & read this article. No one enjoys being irritable. Our mind & body send us signals when something is off or unbalanced. It’s important to listen to what our body is trying to telling […]
Nature is a safe space for Healing & Growth
The word “diet,” often has this negative stigma around it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard individual’s say “that’s not for me”
Squats > Deadlifts
Here is my logical explanation as to why squats should be the first compound movement introduced into an individual’s program. Why? Common sense, every individual squats. Getting in and out of the vehicle – it’s a squat Sitting in a chair- it’s a squat Using the toilet – you’re squatting. Did you know 60-80% of […]
F*** the Scale
Truth is, the scale can be deceiving. This is a sensitive topic & often we get caught up with the scale is telling us. How many times have you experienced jumping on the scale after working out consistently & eating clean over a period of time with no movement on the scale? The truth is, […]
What is your Gut Microbiome telling you?
Did you know Gut- health plays a vital role in our Mind & Body’s wellness. Our gut is the “second brain” of our bodies. It’s responsible for nutrient absorption, hormone production and immune response. Our brain connects to our gut through a part of the nervous system. (the enteric nervous system.) Inflamed Gut Biome signals […]
Quick fixes are not the answer for sustainable weightloss
Mind & Body by Temple Nutrition Philosophy based off the facts. Quick fixes are bullshit, resulting in weight-loss rollercoasters. Mind & Body by Temple is about creating sustainable long-term results without negatively impacting your health. Weightloss is a marathon, not a sprint. Mind & Body by Temple focuses on strengthening the relationship with the mind […]
Ladies, what are your feet and toes telling you?
Do you struggle with balance? Maybe even coordination? This article may add value to you. As women there is an expectation of having visually appealing feet. More often than not, we force our feet into uncomfortable shoes to turn up our sex appeal. How many times have you worn high heels for long periods of […]
Let’s talk Booty – Glute training
Ugly Booty vs. Pleasantly plump Booty Too often we see “influencers” on social media posting workout videos & not squeezing their glutes while performing exercises. Yes, a pleasantly plump booty is more appealing to the eye. But if the video’s intent is to teach and educate those watching -we need to make sure the exercise […]
Where is your Gaze?
Mind & Body by Temple Coaching article I’ve had multiple clients tell me their past coaches’ cue “eyes down when squatting.” From what I’ve experienced coaching, I strongly disagree. When a baseball pitcher throws the ball, where is their gaze? Eyes locked on the catcher’s mitt, where they want the ball to go? Or focused […]